When God Created… Events + Programs

Africanizing Christian Art
Dr. Nicholas James Bridger
September 9, 2012

Dr. Nicholas Bridger presented a discussion on the Africanizing of Christian Art on the occasion of the exhibition When God Created…  Works from Dr. Bridger’s collection of traditional African sculptures were included in the exhibition.


Nicholas J. Bridger, M.A., J.D., is an instructor in African and World Art History in the Art Departments of Ohlone College, Fremont, CA and Menlo College, Atherton, CA. Based on eight years of field and archival research in Nigeria, Ireland, Italy, the United States and Vatican City, his new ground breaking study (Africanizing Christian Art, Kevin Carroll and Yoruba Christian Art in Nigeria, 2012) also includes interviews with the last Oye-Ekiti Workshop artists in Oye, Ife, Ibadan and Lagos, Nigeria. He is organizing the first Conference on African Christian Art being held in Dromantine, Northern Ireland, in October, 2012, simultaneous with the opening of his first of a kind exhibition of Yoruba Christian art there. This exhibition will travel to the New York City area in August, 2013 (African art Museum of the SMA Fathers, Tenafly, New Jersey, USA), and, subsequently, to other venues.

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